Saturday, April 22, 2006

kaththipadu waterfalls

hello tina what you have done?  Posted by Picasa

kaththipadu waterfalls

here ramya-pushpa-tina have done a mischief Posted by Picasa

sankranthi 06

rasmi-rhohit Posted by Picasa

sankranthi 06

mamatha and sujatha on attacking Posted by Picasa

sankranthi 06

sonia-uma Posted by Picasa

sankranthi 06

mamatha-sujatha-menaka-monica Posted by Picasa

holy 06

pant kids poses with roses Posted by Picasa

holy 06

sonia with boss Posted by Picasa

holy 06

dharphok pants Posted by Picasa


sonia-alok and their little angels Posted by Picasa

kaththi padu waterfalls

 Posted by Picasa

sunny you are bunny Posted by Picasa

araku-padmavathi gardens

rahul with mummy Posted by Picasa